On Monday, the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) met and voted on four "issues" that will form the basis of our strategic plan. In our lexicon, the issue is the largest category of interest--call it a domain or focal area. Identifying issues is the grossest step in a process we will fine tune over the coming weeks--with your help. Our issues:
The long view. |
- Programs. While all the other issues support one another, programs really knit everything together with the mission and vision. The programs KCC offers will create a fabric that includes those that happen at both the Portland and Goldendale sites.
- Facilities. The physical space where the programs happen, these must be mutually supportive of one another.
- Financial resources. This includes the financial plan and funding strategy.
- Organization and staffing (including volunteers). Particularly in the SWOT, we heard many issues related to the organization and staffing. This includes communications, the way we tie volunteerism into our practice as a center, and making sure we are able to support all our programs.
While these four issues may appear to be the definition of
obvious, the committee spent a huge amount of time discussing them, expanding them, contracting them, and deciding which were not really parts of other issues. Should we separate SCOL and the urban center when thinking about facilities? Should communications--clearly a critical issue--be considered separately. Finances and funding models also have a complex of related issues. Sometimes you have to wander a long time around a neighborhood before you wind up at the place you expected to go.
Next Up
In the strategic planning model we've adopted, the next level of fine-tuning is coming up with "goals" and "strategies" under each of these issues. This is where we'll turn for Sangha input. A goal is "an outcome, an overall accomplishment, a projected state, or an end point." A strategy is an "approach, plan, or way; how we accomplish the goal." The SPC will collect together a menu of goals and strategies that Sangha members can discuss at the Leadership Retreat later this month and in Sangha meetings. Many of these will be mutually exclusive--we'll look at our current situation, look at the options, and make choices.
Take the issue of fundraising as an example. (These is a total hypotheticals that the committee hasn't yet discussed, and shouldn't be considered actual goals and strategies.) We might say that it is a goal for KCC to have a stable source of funds that come from outside the structure of dues and program-generated revenue. One strategy is to hire an Executive Director who will work half-time as a fundraiser in order to achieve a more focused, robust major donor fundraising effort. A different strategy is to create a revenue stream out of teachings and other publications.
There's a Sangha meeting this Sunday (March 11), when we hope to spark some discussion about these items. The SPC meets again on Monday the 12th, and then the Leadership Retreat begins Thursday, March 22nd. We will definitely keep you posted as we make progress on goals and strategies.